Property Bonds UK
Property Bonds are an alternative to traditional property investment, that allow you to diversify your portfolio and reduce risk.
Property Bond Investment
Property bonds are popular among investors who traditionally invest in physical property. These investors are looking to diversify or simplify their income while still protecting their capital from volatility in the assets market.
Before the property bonds are issued, the assets are used as collateral and investor security is obtained via a legal debenture enforced by a regulated trustee.
The funds are used to develop sites that have been already acquired and have achieved planning permission. These bonds focus on specific sites, allowing investors to easily understand the opportunity and how their position will exit.
Main Reasons to Invest:
- Security: Secured by property assets, offering a safety net for investment.
- High Yield: Higher potential returns than government bonds or savings accounts.
- Medium-Term: Suitable for investors with a medium-term investment horizon.
- Market Access: Exposure to the property market without direct management.
- Tax Efficiency: Can be held in an ISA for tax-free interest.
- Inflation Hedge: Property often appreciates with inflation.

Exploring High-Yield Property Investment Opportunities with Ashbrookes
Discover the potential of property investment with Ashbrookes, a key partner of New Capital Link. Watch our insightful interview with Arif Mushtaq, Managing Director of Ashbrookes, as he shares the journey and success of their property development ventures in Middlesbrough.
New Capital Link Partner Ashbrookes Inspired
Investment Particulars

Multi award-winning
Our property bond providers are award winning developers.

Passive income
New Capital Link provides a passive income investment that will make the life of an investor easier in several ways, especially when a hands-off approach is chosen.

Investment Entry Level £10,000 GBP
We have a proven track record of above average returns for our clients.

Flexible Terms 1-3 years
We build long-term relationships with customers and help them find the best possible financial solution.

Income & Growth Available
We are dedicated to assisting people with achieving their financial goals and dreams.

Asset-backed Security
New Capital Link gives you access to high-quality asset-backed security opportunities.

Legal Debenture
Security on your capital is everything.

Regulated Trustee
New Capital Link’s mission is to protect your investments and help you grow your wealth.

No Hidden Fees
New Capital Link believes in a secure and transparent way to invest your capital globally.
An investment with our product providers are created with security and transparency in mind, offering you the confidence you need when making an investment.
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